We're about to see Sir Paul get screwed out of about $56M by the former porn model Heather Mills, but Roman
Abramovich is probably bending over right now, as the Chelsea owner and billionaire of dubious origin
may have to pay anywhere between $2 billion and $11 billion in his own divorce settlement. Romy's worth is pegged somewhere around $22 billion, and the settlement should not affect his ownership of the London football club, or his other business dealings. Daria
Zhukova, the daughter of an oil magnate who was jailed previously for arms smuggling (I know, shocking in Russia), has been linked to the 11
th richest man in the world
since October of last year. And this doesn't play with Irina, his wife of 15 years, apparently. Not that I'm insinuating anything in regard to the nature of
Abramovich's dealings, but wouldn't it have been cheaper just to have the wife taken out? [

Echoing a sentiment from this
Arsene Wenger feels
Thierry Henry's fitness problems stems from his misuse in the French national team. I have to say seeing TH14 play a full 90 in a friendly immediately after the World Cup Final would piss me off too if I was
Wenger. I'm sure he wasn't the best of friends with Raymond
Domenech, but it's gonna be downright chilly in the room the next time they meet. Paul Doyle from the excellent Guardian
SportBlog tells us why it's just
an off year for the Arsenal captain. [Guardian

Valencia defender and hit-and-run artist David Navarro has been handed a
7-month ban after breaking Nicolas
Burdisso's nose during last week's melee with Inter Milan after the Spanish side knocked the Italian
Serie A leaders out of the Champions League. Navarro's ban was the result of his running onto the pitch (he was a substitute), punching
Burdisso's face as he was held back by players from both teams, and promptly running away. Hilarity ensued as several Milan players attempted to bring down Navarro from behind with tackles and even a clumsy
fu kick. If you haven't seen the incident, check it out
here. [Reuters,
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