Monday, April 16, 2007

Platini Picks Another Fight

Apparently not busy enough restructuring continental tournaments and crank calling Lennart Johansson, the president of UEFA is "insisting" that cup-winning teams must now receive their trophies in the stands instead of on a makeshift stage on the field. According to the Guardian's Paul Kelso, Michel Platini has managed to piss someone off, again:
Television executives are unhappy with the move, believing there was nothing wrong with a procedure that provided footage of elated team-mates gathered together on a raised dais backed by ticker-tape. Platini has ignored their concerns, however, as he attempts to stamp his authority on the organisation.
While I could care less, one does get the feeling that there must be at least a couple of people within UEFA that are wondering about what they've gotten themselves into with Platini as president.

Platini's retro trophy proposal is a TV turn-off [Guardian]


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