Monday, August 21, 2006

"Broader, historic contribution to Italian football"

Does anyone have any balls in Italy? How can Juventus be allowed to hijack the season until they are "allowed" to play in Serie A? Please put everybody out of their misery and start the season on time, this is getting ridiculous. Though not as ridiculous as some of the reasons Juve wants the Lazio Regional Court to take into account when it rules on the matter. Give me an effn' break.

Juve court move threatens delays for Serie A
[Guardian UK]



Anonymous said...

You're talking about the most corrupt team in one of the most corrupt leagues in one of the most corrupt countries . . . .

soccermad said...

That goes to my point, quit pussyfooting around and start the season on time. Their excuses clearly point to a defense that is grasping at straws. The last article I read about Juve's appeals will make me a very happy man.
